Makng 1 person smile...

Always tries to increase your success graph...

Save the Nature

Understand the importance of for our healthier life and make the earth to grow greener..

Success vs Failure

Never lose the hope ..always see the positive part and you will get success.Always tackle samartly the failure part of your life.

U r the creator of ur own destiny

Your are the creator of your own destiny....So never blame other for your activity....

Don't give up!!!!

Try your with your best effort!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015




Around a hundred years prior, a man took a gander at the morning daily paper and amazingly and loathsomeness, read his name in the tribute section. The news papers had reported the demise of the wrong individual by mix-up. His first reaction was stun. Am I here or there? When he recaptured his self-restraint, his apprehension was to figure out what individuals had said in regards to him. The tribute read, "Explosive King Dies." And additionally "He was the shipper of death." This man was the designer of explosive and when he read the words "trader of death," he made an inquiry, "Is this how I will be recollected that?" He contacted his emotions and chose that this was not the way he needed to be recalled. From that day on, he began moving in the direction of peace. His name was Alfred Nobel and he is recollected today by the immense Nobel Prize.

Generally as Alfred Nobel reached his sentiments and reclassified his qualities, we ought to venture back and do likewise.

What is your legacy?

How might you want to be recollected?

Will you be commended?

Will you be recollected with affection and admiration?

Will you be missed?

Nepal is a beautiful country

"Nepal is a beautiful country"

Nepal is a little landlocked nation in South Asia. It possesses just around 0.3% of the aggregate territory of the mainland of Asia and 0.03% of the world. It is encompassed by two major nations of the world in distinctive course. China is in northern and India is in eastern, western and southern of the Nepal. Nepal is likewise an individual from SAARC and UNO. It has been bolstered by the other individual from the SAARC nations UNO.

Nepal has got different landform and atmosphere. Different mountains, waterways, lakes, and soon have expansion common magnificence. The greater part of the most astounding peck of the world lies in our nation. Kanchanjungha, Makalu, Lhotse, Choyu, Dhaulagiri and Annapurna are most noteworthy pecks. Nepal is depleted by numerous streams. On them Koshi, Karnali and Gandaki are the fundamental three greatest streams. The lake lying in the most noteworthy height of the world i.e. Tilicho lie in our nation Nepal. We Nepalese view the visitors as god. Along these lines, sightseers are the principle wellspring of wage in our nation.

Visitors visits Nepal to see play with the characteristic wonders and to study about the Nepalese craftsmanship, structural planning and so forth. Nepal has impeccable waterways for rafting, great mountains for climbing and spots for bungee bouncing too. We Nepalese act products with vacationers so they visit over and over to study about way of life and help us in numerous parts. They get information from the engravings, painting, coins, antiques, chronicled reports and so on.

Nepal is a poor nation. There is less offices adversary the gifted labor. Along these lines, they are moving to the decently created nations in the pursuit of chances. For making the solid monetary state of the nation we ought to use our sources and ought to protect Nepalese environment. There ought to be carried out distinctive project which can draw in voyagers and ought to give fitting offices to them. We if got to be ready to give acceptable to the visitor then there is an opportunity to be produced quick and get to be monetarily solid nation.

Nepal has three physical highlights in particular Himalayan, sloping and Terai. There are high mountains in the mountain locale though there are high slopes in the bumpy district and there are prolific area utilized for farming as a part of Terai. There is exceptionally hot atmosphere in the Terai locale, moderate atmosphere in the bumpy area and frosty atmosphere in the Himalayan district. Because of vicinity of all these physical geographies in a little nation, Nepal is a wonderful nation.

Nepal is truly extremely rich. Nepal was controlled by numerous lords of numerous lines. Malla lord added to the coin first in Nepal. Nepal is the mother grounds of numerous global saints like Gautam Buddha, King Janak, Sita and others numerous persons. Diverse individuals of distinctive stations are taking after the distinctive religious and culture in the Nepalese society. The majority of the individuals are Hindu and others are Buddhist, Christian, Islamic et cetera. Individuals take after distinctive culture yet all the way of life reflect Nepalese convention. Numerous legacies of Nepal are named on the planet legacy list. They are vital from national and worldwide perspective. These legacies are the brilliance of the country. To save our convention and society, to be more renowned in worldwide level and to build up our nation, we ought to need to protect these legacies.

Nepal has given numerous commitments to the world. We have history that the Nepalese armed force bolstered the Britain in the Second World War. Likewise, Nepalese armed force is giving extraordinary commitment in the peace keeping operation which is directing by the UN.

The current state of Nepal is truly hopeless. The political misconception has made numerous issues in o nation. In any case the condition has not been discriminating till now. In this way, we can accomplish more things in this circumstance and we ought to take out the nation from the profundity of this circumstance. In this circumstance are numerous instructive establishments are giving instruction to the understudy. Presently our training is with heath instruction and the advancement. Albeit, Nepal is a shopping center nation however it is world in itself in common marvels, in social legacy, in custom and society, in numerous different things. In this circumstance of the nation tourism is the principle business of the nation. In this way, we ought to need to give regard the traveler and ought to love our nation Nepal for until the end of time.