Thursday, July 24, 2014

LOVE STORIES-Falling in love at first sight.

LOVE STORIES-Falling in love at first sight

Falling in love at first sight is one of the best experiences of a life time for anyone. It feels so magical and strange. When you face that moment, not only your mind, but also your body feels strange. But, is that feeling really a love?

Suppose, you go to a party and just sitting around. all of a sudden  someone is beside you, and offering to get you a drink. Then you feel strange comfort and begin to talk. Here after  you're struck by the emotional feeling that, you have just found Mr. Right. Or you see a nice girl staring at you with a innocent catchy smile, you think you just found the Miss. Right for you.   But that's crazy, isn't it? Or is it? But this happens most of the time. And it is ended up with long lasting wild romance perhaps. So…fist site love is that much strong sometimes.

Hence…Many think that is the real love. Because, when we just saw a person on the very first time, we don’t know anything about them. Do they educate or do they have money or at least Do they like us? How old are they? We don’t know anything, but we feel love about them. So it’s only love. Nothing is there, in between us only a feeling of love. So, isn’t it real love? 

But few think, it’s not real love at the very first sight, but it’s only a desire, about that person. If you think deeper about this, can this handsome, deep-voiced, well-dressed strange man or pretty lady with the perfect figure, give you what you really want for your life? Because we don’t know anything about them, they don’t know who we are? They don’t know anything about us. But still we love means, only a feeling of desire about that person. Desire is not the true love, perhaps if we get to know about theses starngers some, maybe we escape from them. 
Beside all of the above, its better to see whether, “is there any mechanism for this love at first site?” Not all of us fall in love within few seconds. In one survey by Ayala Malach-Pines, PhD, of Ben-Gurion University in Israel, only 11 percent of the 493 respondents said their long-term relationships started that way. Further, it has been seen in studies that men are more likely to falling in love immediately than women. It seems like men are more stimulated by visual appeal than women. On the other hand, women experience romantic chemistry a lot better than men. It means, Men know they like a woman the very second they see her. But in the case of women, they usually fall in lovewith someone after the one or two conversations. And, Do you know that your first kiss also affect your love? Studies have shown that the exchange of saliva can also be a test for love. When you kiss, genes of major histocompatibility complex get exchanged between two persons, and if your genes share too many similarities, you might actually get turned off and lose the attraction, says Dr. Claus Wedekind at the University of Edinburg. And it’s not just the kisses, your body odor too can predict whether you will experience love at first sight.

So what do you think? Falling in love at first sight is real love? 


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