Friday, January 24, 2014

The Conventional Success Story

A man, dissatisfied with his life, wants to become successful, and, therefore, happy.
So he seeks out a millionaire. The millionaire is the head CEO of a Fortune 500 Company. He has fancy cars, many possessions, and most importantly, a huge mansion.
His business is the leader in his industry. It’s safe to say, he’s a conventional success.
Let’s call the first man Cody and the millionaire Richard.
Cody asks Richard “How do I become successful?”
“Walk to the beach with me,” Richard says. “I will teach you the secret to success.”
He agrees and they proceed onto the sand. Richard continues walking into the ocean. Cody is a little confused, but he follows.
Water is now up to their shoulders. Richard turns, and pulls Cody underwater.
Cody is terrified.
He flails maniacally. He scratches. He kicks. He elbows Richard. He uses every bit of his strength trying to get this man off him.
But it’s no use.
His seconds are passing away. He wishes. He prays. He struggles even harder.
But he is becoming lightheaded. He knows he’s finished. He looks out from the water one last time…
But then he is above water. Richard pulled him out.
Cody gasps for air and spits out water. “What th… What the hell was that for?” he yells.
“To be successful,” says Richard, “you need to want success like you wanted to breathe.”


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